Electric Heated Pressure Washers

Designed for either safe or explosion-proof areas

Electric Heated Pressure Washers

Power Source Electric Motor
Heating Type Electric
Temperature Hot or Cold
Applications On or Offshore Oil Rigs, Refineries, Petrochemical Industry, Etc.

Electric Heated Pressure Washers, Washdown Units, Water Blasters, High-Pressure Pump Units for either hazardous or non-hazardous areas

Electric Heated Pressure Washer Applications

This series is designed for either safe or explosion-proof areas in applications on land or marine such as:

Electric Hot Water Pressure Washer Design

Components are enclosed in a heavy-duty roll cage on an oilfield-type skid. The insulated and enclosed heat exchanger provides high efficiency while maximizing personnel safety.

Options include:

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*This very successful design is a convenient and economical solution where the task is within an area which is classified as hazardous. The equipment is located in a safe area and connected to a manifold (pipe or hose) which feeds outlets in the work area. The operator simply pulls the trigger on the spray wand to start, selects the soap nozzle to add chemicals, selects the high pressure rinse nozzle to stop the chemical injection and releases the trigger to shut down the pump. This system not only is very convenient for the operator (increases productivity) but it also practically eliminates the primary cause of pump failure which is extended operation with the spray gun shut off.

Electric Heated Pressure Washer Specifications:

In addition to the Electric Motor Driven (Cold)

Heat exchanger coil and tank are galvanized and insulated. This tank is enclosed in a steel enclosure which has a 1” air gap between the heat exchanger tank and the steel enclosure. As per OSHA requirements, the heat exchange tank is fully enclosed to prevent personnel contact with the hot surfaces of the heat exchange tank. Every effort to minimize the exposure of hot surfaces has been made however surfaces such as hose ends, quick couplers and pipe couplings (welded to frame for secure connections) are unprotected surfaces which do transfer heat and caution should be taken to prevent the possibility of personnel contact with hot surfaces.

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